Thursday, October 20, 2005

I love Ottakars right now. Picked up one of the Doctor Who graphic novels for £1.49!!

Yay for Ottakars reward cards, even if did have that stupid have to spend more than £15.00 to use it thing (hence the weird cost, bought a bookmark to knock it over £15).


At 6:39 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehehe coolness!

I got one of those stores here, they are good (give me 10% off for being a student) although book stores are usually more expensive than the internet. I been getting some of my University books there and some bil bysons books. VERY FUNNY BTW

Hope Uni is going ok!

(btw, Create a msn blog and then on the first entry link to this one. You will get more people reading. I mean, I would never find this unless u gave me link)


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