Monday, August 15, 2005

Warning - moaney post!

This is a moany post about people over on a cetain anime forum.

I have 3 people on my ignore list for various reasons, however i cant hepl but veiw there posts on occasion just to see what they are saying.

First one is Naiera. He has this really bad, somewould say trollish hatred of dubs. In fact, if you post about dubs outside of the English Track forum he will bad mouth you. Today he had a go about the Robotech boxset that ADV US are putting out. I mean come on, who doesnt know about Robotech! well he obviously doesnt. He also is one of the subscribers to the UK dvds suck brigade, despite the fact he doesnt buy any...

Anyway, seeing his posts today reminded me why hes on my list, along with:

Advent_Nebula - A English Track regular with a strange hatred of NewGen pictures. he bad mouths there dubs and the actors/directors who work on them on a regular basis. He also rants about them on other forums too (just search for his name, tis fun reading his posts!)

Finally, theres Gersen - He has a real bee in his bonnet about UK release. If you dare say that a UK release has video quality equal or better than a US release he will immediately reply to you bringing up the whole PAL conversion thing and how your an idiot if you dont notice it. face it, most people dont. You dont have to accuse us who dont of been an idiot.

Id also like to know if he ever has watched a UK dvd... I get the feeling he hasnt.

Anyway, there goes my slightly bitchy post.


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